A YouTube video entitled, “Number One With A Bullet”, recently made rounds on the Internet. It defended American gun policy on the basis that, despite having high levels of per capita gun ownership, the United States has relatively low…
Data, Debunking Myths, Short Read
Do We Have a Gang Problem or a Gun Problem?
Hey friends, Devin and I just published an article over at the HuffingtonPost. It has been reproduced below. Guns, Not Gangs In a scathing critique of ABC’s recent report “Young Guns,” Dana Loesch stated that most gun deaths were the result…
Guns don’t kill people, children do. Cassie Culpepper, age 11, was riding in the back of a pickup when her 12-year-old brother pointed his father’s pistol at her. He believed he had removed the bullets, and so jokingly pulled…
Constitution, History
Militia Myths: Why Armed Populations Don’t Prevent Tyranny, But Often Lead To It
Constitutional Fallacies: Part III Myth It’s something we’ve seen happen time and time again in history — with Stalin, happened in Cambodia, and then of course, the Third Reich. No one saw that coming until it was too late….
Constitution, Debunking Myths, History
Constitutional Fallacies Part II: The Myth of an Unlimited Right
Myth Historical examination of the right to bear arms, from English antecedents to the drafting of the Second Amendment, bears proof that the right to bear arms has consistently been, and should still be, construed as an individual right….
Myth “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” – Wayne LaPierre Overview of Pro-Gun Arguments Guns are an effective deterrent against bad guys with guns. As you cannot…
Long Read, Philosophy
Rebutting the ‘Criminals don’t follow laws’ and ‘Gun Control only hurts law-abiding citizens’ argument against gun control
Myth “The bad guys, the criminals, don’t follow laws and restricting more of America’s freedoms when it comes to self-defense isn’t the answer.” – Sarah Palin “…The challenge with gun laws is that by definition criminals do not follow…
Myth “I refuse to play the game of ‘assault weapon,’ because that’s any weapon. It’s a hammer. It’s the machetes. In Rwanda that killed 800,000 people, an article came out this week, the massive number that are killed with…
The Gun-Free Zone Myth: No relationship between Gun-Free Zones and Mass Shootings
This post challenges the belief that ‘gun-free zones’, areas such as schools and work place institutions, are breeding grounds for a mass shooting. The commonly held belief that mass shooters are attracted to gun-free, vulnerable areas is shown to…
The Drunk Driving Fallacy: Why Gun Regulation is like Drunk Driving Laws
For our first post, we thought it would be an excellent idea to tackle one of the most popular analogies used to combat gun control proposals. Although it has been debunked numerous times (most memorably by Jon Stewart), it…