Devin Hughes and Jen Pauliukonis and Alternative facts. Fake news. Post-truth. America seems to be awash in misinformation. Perhaps in no other space is this deception felt more keenly than in America’s gun debate. For decades,…
The following is a talk given by Devin Hughes in Tulsa on February 15th, 2017. The talk hits on key points related to the relationship between guns and homicide, suicides, and accidents, as well as the best strategies for…
Debunking Myths
Five Arguments Against Gun Control – And Why They’re All Wrong
The National Rifle Association and its allies have their post-shooting routine down cold. They wait a day or two and then respond with a blistering array of attacks against gun-safety advocates calling for reform. No matter what the circumstances…
Two weeks ago President Obama rolled out a host of executive actions designed to curb gun violence. His proposals aimed to more clearly define who is in the business of selling guns, and to bolster the FBI and the Bureau…
This is a speech given by Evan DeFilippis, John Brownstein, and Ben Reis in Austin, TX for SXSW on the state of data in the gun violence debate. Gun-related violence in the U.S. is a public health crisis, with…
Debunking Myths, Long Read
Armed Abusers, Unchecked Felons, and Negligent Owners: Why Presidential Action Alone Can’t Solve Some Big Gun Violence Problems
Two weeks ago President Obama rolled out a host of executive actions designed to curb gun violence. His proposals aimed to more clearly define who is in the business of selling guns, and to bolster the FBI and the Bureau…
Data, Debunking Myths, Short Read
Guns as a Defense Against Terrorists? The Stats Say Otherwise
Two weeks ago on CBS’s Face the Nation, GOP presidential contender Marco Rubio boasted about purchasing a handgun on Christmas Eve. When asked why he had bought the weapon, the Senator from Florida explained that personal firearm ownership is the…
Philosophy, Short Read
Why I Want Crooks to Know That My House Is a Gun-Free Zone
Forced to choose, would you rather have a sign in your front yard announcing you are a proud gun owner, or one that your home is a gun-free zone? For gun advocates, the choice is obvious: As widely-discredited researcher John…
Debunking Myths, Short Read
A Thanksgiving-Edition Cliff Notes Guide to the Gun Debate
Thanksgiving is a time to eat, drink, and, inevitably, fall into heartburn-inducing arguments with family members over politically charged topics. When the topic on the table (as it were) is gun violence or gun laws, things can get heated…
Data, Debunking Myths, Long Read
Why Campus Carry is a Bad Idea: Or Why Alcohol, Hormones, and Guns Don’t Mix
In the wake of last month’s shooting at an Oregon college, gun advocates have stepped up their calls for allowing firearms on campus. So-called campus-carry bills are on the legislative docket in Florida and Michigan, and lawmakers are expected to follow…