M&R Photography

I have a new article out in Slate Magazine, one of the most shared columns in the last several months.  It is reproduced below. Co-authored with Devin Hughes Caroline Sparks was 2 years old. Her 5-year-old brother was playing nearby…


The Inconsistency of Our Outrage The stop-and-frisk debate is instructive in that it spotlights the inconsistency in outrage that both conservatives and liberals display over the violation of constitutional rights. Many conservatives appear completely insensitive to the empirical reality…


Apologies for the long delay between posts.  I was working on getting an article published in the Atlantic, and it got through today! Read the latest article here: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/02/having-a-gun-in-the-house-doesnt-make-a-woman-safer/284022/ It examines the most recent data on firearms ownership and its…