This is a response to Gary Kleck’s article in Politico. This response is attached as an addendum there: When Gary Kleck can’t defend, he attacks. Instead of offering new insight, Kleck instead baselessly speculates on our motives, suggesting we “hope…
I was on the NPR program On The Media discussing the Myth of Defensive Gun Use. You can listen to the interview inside. We discuss aliens, social desirability bias, empirical attempts to quantify Defensive Gun Use Estimates, and the fact that…
**Note: This column appeared in Slate on 1/26/2015 ** Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association issued a passionate call to arms last year, painting a bleak picture of a dystopian America on the brink of collapse: We know, in the world…
The Myth of Defensive Gun Use **Note – This article appeared in Politico on 1/14/2015 In the early hours of Nov. 2, 2013, in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, a pounding at the door startled Theodore Wafer from his slumber. Unable to…